What does luxury base mean to us? 

When putting your favorite brush to our soap base you are trusting that a beautiful, thick lather will emerge. 

There is a distinct relationship between the brush and the soap. Both have to be tip shape in order for a lather to build... right?!

Not necessarily.

Let's start at the beginning. Our soap base is specifically formulated not to be fluffy, airy, or voluminous. It's designed to be thick, shiny, and very low volume or structure. You may have more water or less water, different types of brush hair, or a shorter or longer load on the brush  

So what does this mean in terms of virtue for luxury. Lots of shavers will say that on a face, legs, neck, or head that a thick, creamy, dense lather feels better on the face. A warm dense lather feels amazing no matter the time of day. But the shave doesn't stop at lather so dense it holds its shape. 

Slickness. We aren't talking the blade glides over the skin type slick. We are talking entire second pass slickness with just a splash of water. Our base boasts 45% slickness. Meaning 45% of the oils in the soap base promote slickness. 

Ok so it's thick and slick that's great and all but what else does our soap have to offer!

Post shave. But let's examine what postshave really is. Does your skin feel itchy? What about tight and dry? Even worse, you find yourself rubbing your face, perhaps scratching after a shave. These issues are from the oils being stripped from your skin and not replaced. Our exotic oils work to replenish your skin and work directly with our aftershave splash to help relieve your skin of drying out. 

A very important note is thinning. There is nothing worse than lathering up your favorite soap, applying it and coming back with the razor only to find your lather has become very transparent. Our lather will stick around for your shave even if multiple passes are necessary. 


- Be sure to rinse your skin well after your shave no matter what soap you use. Though shaving soap has much lower cleansing properties than body soap, there are still cleansing properties. 

- Light loading can cause difficulty in lather building. If you are tub loading we recommend a minimum of ten seconds of loading. If you are bowl loading we recommend an almond size scoop. 

- Water. Our soap bases are tested with hard water, soft water, and distilled water. I personally test from batches before they leave for shipping to make sure everything will go smoothly. Yes our base is thirsty, if you do not like to squeeze your brush after soaking then almost any base will drown out. If you are lathering and getting large bubbles there is too much water. There are three ways to remedy this. 1. Squeeze out the brush, not all of it but Atleast half. 2. Add more soap, go directly to the tub or scoop more. 3. Continue to work the lather. Our lather will thicken as it's continued to build upon. This option may take more time but it will produce a creamy lather though not as dense as normal the lather will still perform the same. Remember it's easier to add water than take away. 

- Don't forget to dry your tubs if you tub lather. Simply leaving the lid face down, tub face down on the lid loosely overnight will be more than enough to let the moisture evaporate off the soap.